Automate with webhooks

Webhooks notify you, another person or system when resources have changed by calling a given HTTP endpoint.

## What are webhooks? The webhooks are used to notify you when content has been changed. Specify a URL, configure your webhook, and we will send an HTTP POST request whenever something happens to your content. ## How do I configure a webhook? Go to Settings → Webhooks from the navigation bar at the top. From there, hit Add webhook, and you will be directed to your new webhook. Then choose a name, put in the information of your HTTP endpoint (URL and authentication), specify any custom headers and select the types of events that should trigger the webhook. ## Why do I get an old version in the CDA? As the delivery API is powered by a CDN network consisting of hundreds of servers distributed across continents, it takes some time (up to a few minutes) to reflect the changes to the published content. This must be taken into consideration when reacting to webhooks. In normal conditions, there could be a reasonable delay of 2 to 5 minutes. Extracted from the [Webhooks FAQ]( "Webhooks FAQ").

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Made with ❤️ & ☕️ by Mathias Michel